The Digital Resource Library

The Digital Resource Library at TownHouse Library, Cairo [via @MezBreezeDesign]

“The Digital Resource Library is a collection of readings, publications and surveys written on the developments in e-book production…Digital communication is shaping a new reading/viewing culture where text is no longer the main mode of description. Experimentations with digital book making provoke dialogue on self-publishing, digital writing/reading, multimedia curation etc.

This collection of electronic books has been selected from a pool of submissions sent
to DRL in response to the first open call for contributions of readings on digital book
making and publishing and/or experimentations with digital books as a medium. On
view in DRL is a small glimpse of a few explorations of multimedia curation,
documentation and e-publishing. Raising questions and gathering data on the
changes occurring in the publishing industry and growing a curiosity towards the
development of multimedia curation as a practice.

Participating artists On view in DRL: La Société Anonyme, Mez Breeze, David
Goldenberg & Ioana Pioaru, Brendan Howell, Anna Jakupovic, ATTITUDE.,
Alessandro Ludovico, Bruno Mendonça, Tajender Kaur Sagoo, TiND artist group,
Mike Mandel and Chantal Zakari.”